Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The threat of 5G on human health

The threat of 5G on human health

In February 2019, the mournful scene appeared in a park in The Hague, Netherlands - just like in a horror movie: 150 birds fell from the treetops and lay dead on the ground.
This is the second time this has happened since the fall of 2018, making Dutch residents look up at the sky and wondering. Before the birds were very vivacious, now lying motionless on their feet, all doubts about the plague, pollution or destruction were eliminated.

The culprit stands right on a nearby train station - a mast with new 5G antennas. The test of this modern telecommunications system failed more than expected. As a result, the Dutch government delayed 5G from the auction of national frequenciesuntil 2020.

For decades, the telecommunications industry and governments have not invested enough money in electromagnetic field safety (EMF) and radio frequency (RF) studies, as well as their harm to health. healthy people.

This indifference continues, despite the 2011 press release of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) saying that they detected EMF radiation "likely to cause cancer for humans. ”

The harmful effects of radio wave pollution on human health have been overlooked. Not only is the birth of the 5G network a concern, low frequencies like Wi-Fi or mobile phones also cause serious harm, especially for young children.

In a few years, the 5G network will be the basis of connecting drones, self-propelled vehicles, block chains, Internet of things, supply chains, smart devices ...

The temptation of the superfast download speed of 5G network will spread it very quickly and very broadly, but there are also hidden costs due to radio transmission, electromagnetic field radiation and continuous WiFi signals, Although many people overlook that they are harmless.

Dr. Martin Pall, emeritus professor at Washington State University and one of the leading experts on EMF, presented to the National Institutes of Health about the dangers of 5G network: “Each impact of EMF will cause threatening destruction with our lives ... In mice, EMF reduced the birth rate to basically 0 ... 5G will play at a much higher frequency and the pulse is at the same level as the microwave. "

In the final presentation slide, Mr. Pall wrote:

“The current plan has been approved by the US Congress and the FCC, placing tens of thousands of 5G antennas, radiating to each person and every creature in the country without a biosecurity test. for 5G wave ... This is absolutely crazy. "

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) failed to study the harmful effects of EMF on human health, failed to create safety standards, and in 1979, stopped measuring EMF radiation. . On their website, there was only one link to the old report in 1992 called "Questions and answers about electromagnetic fields."

The World Health Organization is more indifferent about failing to report the harmful effects of EMF radiation. Just visit the WHO website and see a small number of EMF documents, people will have to ask questions about the organization's principle. There are only 6 studies on WHO on EMF: 1981, 1983, 1987, 1993, 2004 and 2007.

It is strange that WHO only declared EMF radiation "potentially carcinogenic" eight years ago and there was no major move to learn or warn the community.

In President Trump's government reform plan, there is no mention of the telecommunications industry at the threshold of a controversial technology. Therefore, currently in the US, the Federal Telecommunications Commission (FCC) will remain in charge of the safety of 5G radiation, although this is not their main task.

What does science say about the impact of EMF?

Only in the fall of 2018, new residents joined scientists and forced Michigan state lawmakers to hold an EMF hearing and set a warning bell about 5G. There, MP Richard Blumenthal challenged the telecommunications industry "proving 5G is safe."

"Low-intensity radio waves are harmful to people. When exposed to the outdoors, it causes tumors in the brain and heart cell damage, ”said Dr. Fiorella Belpoggi of Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute in Italy. The mechanism of damage does not lie in the amount of heat generated when the waves come into contact with the skin (similar to sunlight exposure) but at the cellular level - for all living organisms.

"In Europe, epidemiological studies for cell signal towers also find auditory nerve tumors and tumors on the human face," she said.

“This harm is not visible for many years. It is this waiting time that matters. Cancer does not appear in 20, 30 years. With the generation of children growing up with devices with screens, we can see the carcinogenic problems that affect them since they're in the embryo. ”

"At the cellular level, mitochondria and metabolism are greatly affected by ion nerve impulses," she said. "Millimeter waves are not well known, more research is needed. I'm afraid 5G will be like asbestos *, spreading everywhere in society, so that people will realize what harm is. ”

(Asbestos is mainly used to produce AC roofing sheets. People who are exposed to asbestos often develop illness after 20-30 years of exposure, so they often get sick when retiring. 1 carcinogens in humans Many countries have banned production, in Vietnam chrysotile continues to be used.)

Ms. Belpoggi stressed that low-frequency radiation is as harmful as EMF: "only a shorter wavelength and different frequency, but the overall effect is the same."

The problem with 5G is that its wavelengths are transmitted at shorter distances than 4G. It also means that 5G network will require more millions of antennas to be built in the next decade. These antennas will appear everywhere: light poles, telephone poles, roofs of people, office buildings ... They will enter every corner of life.

"EMF and RF waves are harmful to human DNA. They contribute to environmental harms that cause autism, Parkinson's, cancer and sperm reduction. We need to reallocate money from other industries and make this a priority, ” said Belpoggi, remarking that the current situation is “ crazy policy, where technology is more important than health. human."

In 2019, Ms. Belpoggi's laboratory will publish research on the impact of EMF on 2800 mice, with a comparison group of 1,000. They will observe all internal organs. This study was funded by 30,000 local people, by Ramazzini Institute, a non-profit organization, unaffected by government or industry. They have been sharing their data with US research institutes since 2000.

In the United States, Dr. Sharon Goldberg emailed three top health issues that 5G and the Internet will bring.

1. "Cataract accounts for 60% of eye surgeries and costs $ 3.6 billion annually."

2. "Antibiotic resistance and damage to the immune system, by millimeter wave technology (MMW) affects the antibiotic susceptibility (and promotes development) of staphylococcus and E. coli strains. The periodic impact of EMF radiation on living cells / systems is often very different from the long-term exposure effect. ”

3. "The large and silent effect of MMW is on the likelihood of depression / suicide and the narcotic analgesic crisis (opioid group)."

Goldberg's testimony before Michigan's House of Energy Policy Committee caught the attention of legislators and the public. Her video attracted more than 650,000 views.

Until now, only scientists voiced concern and posted valuable data on EMF exposure. They will promote organizations such as the EPA, FCC and WHO to act, invest in research and bring information to the public, update information on a wave of technology that affects all plants, people and animal.

In the short term, the most urgent step is to obtain a temporary stop order for 5G network installation.

James Grundvig - author of the book "Aged manipulator: The true story of fraud, embezzlement and government betrayed at CDC." He lived and worked in New York.

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